About Us
Green Point Acupuncture was founded in 2009 by Dr. Weihua Wang and Dr. Guoji Wu. Both of them received their Doctorate of Medicine (M.D.) studying acupuncture at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Founded in 1956, the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine is one of the earliest established traditional Chinese medical institutes for higher learning in the People’s Republic of China and is the leading university for Chinese medicine in China. It is the only traditional Chinese medical higher learning institution that has a place in the “211 Project” for national development.
Dr. Wang’s background includes work as an acupuncturist in China for ten years, successfully treating a wide range of conditions. Dr. Wu applied his doctorate in acupuncture for ten years researching acupuncture analgesia. Both are now licensed acupuncturists in Washington State and have been treating patients at Green Point Acupuncture for over thirteen years.
Dr. Weihua Wang, Licensed Acupuncturist
Dr. Wang graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with a major in acupuncture. Unlike most other acupuncturists, Dr. Wang's background includes work as an acupuncturist in Beijing for ten years. She has treated hundreds of patients and has accumulated extensive experience in treating a wide variety of problems and illnesses, such as chronic pain, soft tissues injuries, hypertension, stroke, facial paralysis, insomnia, palpitation, dizziness, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, female functional disorders, chronic cough, constipation, and diarrhea. Her extensive exposure to treating the different disorders among many different cases has resulted in a deep understanding of acupuncture. Come and experience what Dr. Wang can do to restore your health and enrich your life.
Dr. Guoji Wu, Licensed Acupuncturist
After graduating from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Dr. Wu joined the Institute of Acupuncture (China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing) which is the largest and most important national center for research, health care and teaching in Traditional Chinese Medicine. After study on acupuncture analgesia, he obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine. Dr. Wu treated lots of patients and has accumulated extensive experience in treating a wide variety of problems and illnesses, such as acute and chronic pain, soft tissues injuries, TMJ, insomnia, depression, anxiety, nausea, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, allergies, common cold, and male functional disorders. His special acupuncture technique will improve your health efficiently.